Human hearing ability

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Discussion Question on Hearing You already know that our human hearing ability is quite remarkable. You also know that dogs hear "better" than humans.

Perhaps "better" is a poor word choice because dogs simply hear within a different frequency range than humans.

Their hearing ability seems to impress us especially when you think about how dogs are used as service animals, not only for hearing-impaired individuals but also for individuals with specific health concerns.

While dogs (and other animals) hear sounds that humans cannot keep in mind that there are many other sounds in the world that no animal is able to hear.

Here’s an example. When a seed sprouts and pushes through the soil, there’s probably some sound (noise) associated with the seed pod cracking open and the ground moving as the tiny plant emerges.

For this Discussion, list several examples (3 or 4) of events that we ordinarily think of as silent (like the sprouting seed) and assume that your auditory sense (hearing) is able to capture those sounds.

Feel free to include events that take place inside your body as well (i.e., blood flowing through your veins). Please don’t use the examples I have provided. Comment on the benefits and drawbacks, the pros and cons, of having this ability.

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