Foundational Concepts (20 Marks) 1. To what extent are medieval concepts of honor or religious concepts of morality still part of the contemporary Canadian legal system? Give one example of where such concepts still exist and one example of where such concepts have been rejected. (5 Marks) 2. Describe the doctrine of stare decisis and the rules pertaining to the application of precedents by courts of various levels. (5 Marks) 3.

Discuss an area of the law that has evolved to create a more fair, inclusive, and equal society. Include the previous legal position, the current legal position, and the seminal moment(s) of change. (10 Marks) PART B: Public Law and Private Law (25 Marks) Demonstrate your knowledge of Public Law (Criminal Law, Quasi-Criminal Law, Administrative Law) and Private Law (Contract Law and Tort Law) in the following scenario.

John works at Joe’s Garage as a general laborer. His duties usually include cleaning the floors, driving cars in and out of the shop, picking up parts from suppliers, etc. One day, the shop was short-handed and John volunteered to do the brake job on customer Mary’s vehicle. He told the shop foreman, “I’ve done this many times on my own car.

” The foreman allowed John to work on Mary’s car. After the service was completed, John took Mary’s vehicle for a test drive despite having no car insurance. While on the test drive, John drives the vehicle up to 80km/hr on a street where the speed limit is 40km/hr. He then runs a red light and collides with a vehicle driven by Jane. Jane, a single mom of a 3-year-old infant, is paralyzed by the accident.

Identify FIVE issues that will result in Public Law or Private Law consequences in this scenario.

For each issue, whether it is Public Law or Private Law, identify the parties on both sides of the issue, any possible defenses and the likely legal outcome. (5 Marks per Issue)

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